Archive (1372 life histories found)

A postcard from Avril Patterson's honeymoon with a message from her husband, Tom. They spent their honeymoon in Kilarney in Co. Kerry.

A brochure describing Westport House, where Avril Patterson spent her honeymoon.

A wedding card received by Avril Patterson.

A card and key which commemorate the 21st Birthday of Avril Patterson (nee Eakin).

The test card for Brownie membership.

A copy of Avril Patterson's certificate of Brownie membership.

Roles, rules and regulations for the Enniskillen Collegiate School for Girls, which Avril Patterson attended.

An examiners report for Avril Pattersn from the London Guildhall School of Music and Drama for elocution.

A newspaper article reviewing a dance recital performed by the pupls of Miss Lena King's Dance Studio.

This is a copy of the programme from a dance recital at the Empire Theatre performed by the pupils of Lena King's Dance Studio.