Scouts Malvern Trophy

Scouts, Malvern Trophy, Larch Hill ...more

Kennedy's Cadets

Kennedy's cadets at Military College, Curragh Camp ...more

Margaret, Ann and Jacqueline McCloskey

A picture of Rosemary McCloskey's younger sisters Margaret, Ann and Jacqueline ...more

Lena King's Dance Recital Programme

This is a copy of the programme from a dance recital at the Empire Theatre performed by the pupils of Lena King's Dance Studio. ...more

My First Birthday Card

This is a copy of a first birthday card received by Avril Patterson. ...more

Me on a bike ride

A photo of Peter as a young boy on a bike. ...more

The Irish - Air Race 100

Mike Mahon Aer Lingus F/O, Sqd Ldr Terry Nash RAF, John Murray Journalist Belfast telegraph ...more

The Brownie Test Card

The test card for Brownie membership. ...more

Stage Irish

A newspaper article about an Irish play that Rosemary wrote for a drama festival in Ulster. ...more

Lena King's Dance Recital Programme

This is a copy of the programme from a dance recital at the Empire Theatre performed by the pupils of Lena King's Dance Studio. ...more


The Life Histories Archive is an open-access resource for the study of narrative life experiences. It is part of a research project in the School of Linguistic, Language and Communication Sciences and the School of Histories and Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, which is funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS). The Life Histories Archive project has thematically structured a collection of stories, taken from 24 autobiographies, of a sample of women and men from Dublin and Belfast.