I thought I was a princess as for the first time,I had the luxury of a bedroom all to myself
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I thought I was a princess as for the first time,I had the luxury of a bedroom all to myself
Norma remembers moving into a new house with her parents and for the first time not having to share a bedroom
Norma McCullough
Trinity College Dublin
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Norma McCullough
Is Part Of
Childhood and Early Life
Life Story
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Shortly after the war ended,my mum and dad moved the family to a brand new prefab bungalow complete with hot and cold running water,a bathroom and even a fridge. I thought I was a princess as for the first time,I had the luxury of a bedroom all to myself,where I was free to escape from the family and read my books and dream my childish dreams. I attended local school where I made many friends,some of which I still see to this day. I was in the school choir,this led me to joining a well known choir called the Ulster Girls Choir which travelled all round the UK doing concerts for charities.
Irish Research Council for Arts,Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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