Archive (334 life histories found)

This is an image of Lena King a ballet dancer who taught ballet to Avril Patterson.

This is an image of Lena King a ballet dancer who taught ballet to Avril Patterson.

This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) aged about 7 years.

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This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) aged about 5 years.

This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) aged about 8 years.

This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) aged about 8 years.

This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) with her cousin Pat and aunt Marie.

This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) with her cousin Pat.

This is an image of Avril Patterson (nee Avril Frances Eakin) aged about 4 years old.


This is an image of Jesus teaching others to pray. This image has resonance for Avril Patterson's life.