Archive (3 life histories found)
'And when I found myself alone 'in the world ' it was like having a delayed adolescence'
I think the flow of my life is highly untypical.Out of all the girls who attended my boarding school since its foundations in 1923, I was one of only about 20 who decided to join the religious life in the St. Louis Congregation. While the majority…
Tags: different, life course, reflection
'I have gathered a lot of the moss of experience and friendship as I travelled the world'
I have changed residence at least 20 times in my life. That has obviously had some effect on me. I like to think that unlike the proverbial rolling stone, I have gathered a lot of the moss of experience and friendship as I travelled the world.My…
Tags: Change, life course, transition, travel
Three brass balls - The pawnbrokers sign
Harry Browne remembered the prevalence of pawnbrokers in Dublin when he was a child
Tags: Change, life course, Pawnbrokers