Archive (6 life histories found)
'It was two o'clock in the morning Margot woke me and said 'there is somebody coming up the stairs, Mary'. I don't know where we put her as we had only one double bed. Oh Happy times.'
We didn't go much to the dance halls even though we were surrounded with the in Parnell Sq. We did attend the afternoon dance in Conaghies on a Sunday. It was there I met Kevin who was a medical student. We went out for a while. We would go to…
Tags: bicycles, boyfriend, first flat, first holiday, staying out late, theatre
'Tommy was more than a brother to me, he was my best friend '
Tommy was serving his time as a shipwright and they lived with granny Duncan in Avon Street and came down to Rostrevor at the weekends and Tommy and I sometimes went to Newry by bus and went to the pictures: Savoy, Frontier and another I can't…
Tags: cinema, Entertainment, friendship, Health, nature, Opera, Sports, theatre, work
'Eric was to become a lifelong friend'
A few years after the death of my husband and mother I happened to meet an old friend in the bus. His name was Eric Greddis,he was a divorced man. We had played badminton as 17 year olds at Fenaghy Community Centre. Eric was to become a lifelong…
Tags: cinema, companionship, friendship, gardening, holidays, theatre
'I wore a copy of a Shirley Temple dress'
I was baptised in Lisburn Road Methodist Church,Belfast. I went to this Sunday School and I still have my 1st,2nd and 3rd birthday cards from The Cradle Roll.I was taught Ballet at Lena King dance Studios,Dublin Road Belfast also elocution with…
Tags: Brownies, Dance, doll's house, dress, elocution, Shirley Temple, theatre
School drama
Tags: drama, performance, play, school, theatre
My dramatic days
Tags: drama, performance, play, school, theatre