'Everything seemed so different and more difficult than what I was used to in India'
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'Everything seemed so different and more difficult than what I was used to in India'
Dolly Misra remembers arriving in the UK with her husband and two young children.
Dolly Misra
Trinity College Dublin
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Dolly Misra
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Marriage and Family
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It seems like the other day when I landed at Heathrow Airport in a beautiful summer day on 3rd of June 1961. Both of us were young with two small children and very little experience of life and specially about the western world.My husband was a doctor and his first job was in North Wales as a Houseman in a hospital. A place called Merthyr Tydfield. It took me at least a year to get used to the cold and damp weather and of course the Welsh culture. Everything seemed so different and difficult what I was used in India. After a year, my husband was ready to move to England to a different specialty. He got a job in Blackburn in County Lancashire. People seemed friendly, but I had to adapt myself in a new place and in a new surrounding without any friends and families. I went through a very hard and difficult time looking after two children and with all the house chores which I wasn't used before
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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