'They made a great impression on me by their Christian kindness. '
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'They made a great impression on me by their Christian kindness. '
Hugh Duncan remembers a couple he knew from Rostrevor in County Down. The husband, Joe worked in the garden and his wife Nora was a great cook. Hugh remembers the great stories they used to tell.
Hugh Duncan
Trinity College Dublin
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Hugh Duncan
Is Part Of
Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Rostreavor, Co. Down
Temporal Coverage
Life Story Item Type Metadata
Memories of Killowen and Rostrevor in County Down. Joe and Nina Robinson who lived at Edgemount at the base of the mountain close to the quay in Rostrevor. I helped Joe in his garden and fed the ducks and hens and cutting branches up with a crosscut saw. He allowed me drive his pony and trap on the country roads. Nina was a very good cook and I spent a lot of time listening to whoppers of tales about his young days. They made a great impression on me by their Christian kindness. I learned so much about what is good in life.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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