'It's never too late to shine. Reach for your own personal star,it's worth it.'
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'It's never too late to shine. Reach for your own personal star,it's worth it.'
Norma reflects on the experiences that shaped her life.
Norma McCullough
Trinity College Dublin
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Norma McCullough
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I was one of the first to sit the dreaded 11 plus exam,which I failed,even though I was on the borderline to pass. This affected me deeply as I thought I had let my parents down. However,it also motivated me to work hard and take an interest in everything around me. I did lots of courses and eventually,years later,after two marriages,five children and the tragic loss of a much loved so,I decided to further my education to make him and my other children proud of me. I got a certificate in community development then went on to do an access course in Women's Studies and was offered a place in Queens University Belfast . At the age of sixty one I passed my driving test and received my bus pass. Now as I reach my seventies,my proud family are wondering what mountain I'll be climbing next. As I tell my many grandchildren,never give up on your dreams. Its never too late to shine,reach for your own personal star,its worth it.
Irish Research Council for Arts,Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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