'A Devastating Blow'
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'A Devastating Blow'
Ita McClelland describes significant deaths in her family and extended family and the changes brought about as a result.
Ita McClelland
Trinity College Dublin
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Ita McClelland
Is Part Of
Marriage and Family
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Co. Armagh
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Life Story Item Type Metadata
On 4th September, 1991 my mother died very suddenly even though she had been ill from the Springtime. Ironically, that was on the same date on which my father died fifteen years earlier in 1976.We moved to Fairgreen Park in Keady the next year when Maeve was almost two and just two weeks before our son, Michael, was born on 18th March, 1992. We continued to live there until we built our present home, a bungalow, at Granemore, where Mickey's family are from, which we moved to in April, 2003.Whilst we were building our house Mickey's sister, Pauline, who was just 40 years old and a single parent, died very suddenly leaving behind her children, Darren 13 and Colleen 12. This was a devastating blow for the entire McClelland family.Colleen was staying with us whilst her mother was in hospital and asked to come to live with us in the months following her mother's death. She and Darren had initially lived with Mickey's brother, Kevin and his family and Darren chose to stay there. This has worked out very well as our two houses are situated in neighbouring fields and the children maintained close contact over the years.Darren has just graduated from university as a dietician.Colleen tried university but found it wasn't for her. She now works in a local chemist shop but is planning to go back to school. She would like to become a social worker. Maeve and Michael are at university, in their 4th and 2nd years respectively. Maeve is pursuing a career in web design and multimedia and Michael is doing film studies.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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