Billy Gallagher
Page Two
Family life started on Bloody Monday 1972 (day after Bloody Sunday) at 39 Mount Merrion Avenue. We had rented an unfurnished apartment on the top floor of this very cold and draughty house. It was carpeted (cheaply) and an open fire fireplace. The rooms big and high and impossible to heat. Our furniture consisted of a 3 piece suite bought at auction along the Quays for £17 it was a black/grey flowery moquette affair, neither comfortable nor sprung but adequate. We kept it for 20 years. We had bought a kitchen suite for £80 in Capel Street – table, 4 chairs and a bench. It is still in everyday use and will see us both out. We had a double bed and a fridge both of which have only been changed once since (fridge twice). I had a little Fiat 128 and a business that was young and growing.
Within a year we had a son and heir (Patrick/Sam), it was almost obligatory then to have a child quickly, there might be a suggestion of caution or prevention if otherwise. These latter 2 suggestions were frowned on by Mother Church.