'My first job was to make appointments for my young patients, also looking after them at the dental clinic'
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'My first job was to make appointments for my young patients, also looking after them at the dental clinic'
Avril Patterson describes working for the Antrim County Health Committee as a Dental Attendant.
Avril Patterson
Trinity College Dublin
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Avril Patterson
Is Part Of
Work and Employment
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Co. Antrim
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After a few years,I applied to the Antrim County Health Committee,as a Dental Attendant to the County Dental Officer. His name was Mr Sheen,B.D.S. He was the dentist for school children in Co. Antrim.My first job was to make appointments for my young patients,also looking after them at the dental clinic. We did fillings,extractions and gas sessions. We had an anaesthetist for this clinic. Also at that time we looked after expectant and nursing mothers.The first mobile clinic was introduced to Co. Antrim; the first of its time. The clinic was brought to Country schools. It was then connected to mains water supply and electricity; thus allowing the children treatment near home,not having to travel to Belfast. At this time,due to circumstances,travelling etc.,I changed my occupation to the Ulster weaving company in Sandy Row as a clerical officer. This again I enjoyed. My very good boss,and owner was Sir Graham Larmour,the director was Mrs Irene Balvent and Sir Graham's son was Peter,who then would run the company.The Ulster Weaving made beautiful linen. Bend linen,table cloths etc. It went all over the world.
Irish Research Council for Arts,Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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