'Having lost everything there were still a lot of mouths to feed '
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'Having lost everything there were still a lot of mouths to feed '
Billy Gallagher remembers struggling to start his own business after the closing of the family factory.
Billy Gallagher
Trinity College Dublin
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Billy Gallagher
Is Part Of
Work and employment
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Glasgow, Scotland
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I had been disappointed in 1967 when the Foyle factory closed and the family humbled. For reasons not connected to logic I bought ( £176K) a factory in Galway in 1979 and succeeded in losing everything I ever made almost instantly (employing 120 people). We struggled on until 1987 by which time I was married with 5 children and a pregnant wife and we went into liquidation. Having lost everything there were still a lot of mouths to feed and Alan Slythe, our Scottish agent, told me waistcoats were the coming thing. I had managed to 'merge' our relics with Clubman's relics in Donegal and thereby secure a job (on commission only) and the agents in UK and Ireland. Effectively we all just carried on as we were except we were depending on a new owner. The idea of waistcoats opened a whole new possibility.Alan Slythe sold 329 waistcoats to Goldbergs of Glasgow for £19 Sterling each. Michael Jacobs agreed to make them for us on CMT and I paid him for the making of 329 waistcoats with my car. This sale generated £6,500 and gave the oxygen to get back into business. We generated £100,000 in sales and £25,000 in profit from waistcoats in twelve months.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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