'Leonard went back and was his own manager thereafter, aided and abetted by Aggie Bonnar, a decidedly undainty lady from half way up a mountain'
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'Leonard went back and was his own manager thereafter, aided and abetted by Aggie Bonnar, a decidedly undainty lady from half way up a mountain'
Billy Gallagher describes the Solo Shirt company and in particular its owner Leonard McGuckan.
Billy Gallagher
Trinity College Dublin
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Billy Gallagher
Is Part Of
Work and employment
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Strabane, Co. Tyrone
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Life Story Item Type Metadata
The most interesting part of the shirt manufacturing career was the relationship with the Solo Shirt Co. This was run by a big thick farmer, Leonard McGuckan. Leonard had had a heart attack in 1959 and was confined to bed for life. After a year the doctor allowed him get out and sit beside the bed and after another year allowed him walk as far as the kitchen. After a further year Leonard told the doctor to fuck off, he was going back to work on Monday.Leonard went back and was his own manager thereafter, aided and abetted by Aggie Bonnar, a decidedly undainty lady from half way up a mountain. Leonard was his own cutter, mechanic, van man, accountant etc. His language was equalled only by Aggie's, his factory wooden and machinery decrepit. He was never connected to the ESB preferring to generate his own electricity, sometimes by connecting his tractor (large blue Ferguson) to his generator to his factory. Leonard had a Volkswagen van and had 8 wheels for it, 4 bald as eggs for driving about Ballybofey and 4 with treads that he would change into on a Tuesday for the run to Dublin with delivery of the week's production. Leonard never changed to decimal currency and always increased prices by the same amount (2 shillings a dozen) regardless of the percentage rise in wages. His only obsession in life was paying no tax. The factory inspector would call occasionally and complain that the wage rates were too low. Leonard would answer 'they are not doing enough fucking work'. The factory inspector gave up calling after Aggie told him to go and fuck himself.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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