'Caning on the palm of the hands was very common or sending to the Headmaster for more punishment '
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'Caning on the palm of the hands was very common or sending to the Headmaster for more punishment '
Dolly Misra remembers her primary school
Dolly Misra
Trinity College Dublin
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Dolly Misra
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Childhood and Early Life
Life Story
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I went to a very small Primary School at Baripada, Dist. Mayerbhang, Orissa, India. There was no school uniform then. It was a big long classroom with desks and a big blackboard, chalks and duster. We had only one teacher for one class who was teaching all the subjects. I was going to school after a brunch style breakfast taking a tiffin box with some snacks and a drink of water. I had a small bag with a slate, chalks, pencils and a few books. We used to get a lot of homework for the next day. So we had to work very hard at home as well after our evening meal. Punishments were quite heavy for not doing work or talking in the class. Caning on the palm of the hands was very common or sending to the Headmaster for more punishment. Enjoyed all the outdoor activities, games and PE. Used to love playing hide and seek with friends. Waiting for school bell to go, so that we can come home and start playing again with brothers and sisters 'play was always in the mind_ヒン.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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