'I was lost for a while and had to change my life style '
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'I was lost for a while and had to change my life style '
Dolly Misra remembers the first months of her retirement and the difficulties she had adjusting.
Dolly Misra
Trinity College Dublin
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Dolly Misra
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I took early retirement at the age of 55 to look after my grandchildren. I felt very sad and have preserved my farewell gift for my memory.I missed my work and friends quite a lot as I was used to a different kind of daily routine getting up early, get ready and some housework to be done before the work. I was lost for a while and had to change my life style. My husband was already retired then and he liked me being at home i.e. more free time and more holidays.Afterward my first grandchild was born and I kept myself busy looking after the baby and my husband was away quite a lot attending meetings and seminars and doing locums. Then my second grandchild arrived and kept myself very busy as my daughter hada health problem and she needed lots of help. Well, it was a great satisfaction and motherhood came back all over again. When I look back now, sometimes I think did I really do it?
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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