'I have many good memories with my nieces, nephews, grandnieces and nephews and I hope they have the same of me'
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'I have many good memories with my nieces, nephews, grandnieces and nephews and I hope they have the same of me'
Maisie McNailly describes her extended family including a memorable incident babysitting her grandniece.
Maisie McNailly
Trinity College Dublin
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Maisie McNailly
Is Part Of
Marriage and Family
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Co. Derry
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My nieces and nephew got married so now I have three grandnephew and nieces; Lauren, Shannon and Shane. I enjoyed seeing them grow up. I think they look on me as an older grandmother. The two youngest were born in England so I went over to care for Lauren and give Margaret some support. Now they are back here in Coleraine. They visit me in this home and I am always pleased to see them.I remember one occasion years ago. Lauren was a baby (perhaps one year old). I was looking after her while her mum and father were at a wedding. The reception was in Newcastle. Some of the guests were staying in the hotel for the night. They were booked to stay but Margaret said she would ring late and see if all was well. I was happy at the time Margaret rang. Later Lauren's breathing worried me. I sat up all night watching her, wishing Margaret would ring. She did at 8 a.m. I told her I would like her to come home as I was a little worried with Lauren's breathing. Margaret came home and took Lauren to see the Doctor. He ordered some treatment reassured Margaret, said she had a slight cold. She was fine in no time. She is now twenty, just finished two years at University doing medicine. She has done her second year exams and is very pleased with herself. She had good results.I have many good memories of my nieces, nephews, grandnieces and nephews and I hope they have the same of me. I was always very attached to my family. I just have my sister and her family. They mean a lot to me. I see them often. They all come to see me. It is a pleasure for me to know how they are progressing.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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