'Our house, and the area, was known by 'Little Britain', as the men, my father included, all fought in the first world war'
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'Our house, and the area, was known by 'Little Britain', as the men, my father included, all fought in the first world war'
Maura remembers the area she grew up in which was called 'Little Britain' as most men living there had fought in WWI.
Maura Corr
Trinity College Dublin
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The Authors and The Board of Trinity College Dublin
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Maura Corr
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Childhood and Early Life
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Our house and the area was known by 'Little Britain', as the men my father included (were) all fought in the first world war. They were situated in Killester nr. Dublin. An inspector came around now and then to make sure they were kept in good condition. These houses were rented at first and if the father died, the families had to vacate them, which was a dreadful ordeal (for them). They consisted of two bedrooms, or three, a sittingroom, kitchen and bathroom. Everyone hadn't a bathroom then so they were rather unique. There were vast areas of green spaces, fields and woods. There were about 3 halls used by the communities. A school and convent were nearby and two churches.Eventually people could buy their property and they became much sought after in recent years.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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