'Retirement, but then I actually retired many years before, so I had a long standing practice of things to occupy me.'
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'Retirement, but then I actually retired many years before, so I had a long standing practice of things to occupy me.'
Maura remembers how different the experience of retirement was for her husband as she had stopped woking years earlier when her son was born.
Maura Corr
Trinity College Dublin
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The Authors and The Board of Trinity College Dublin
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Maura Corr
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Retirement, but then I actually retired many years before, so I had a long standing practice of things to occupy me. Different when my husband retired. Then we had two in the kitchen. He was trying but wondered how I ever managed. He soon learned.Now we have a routine and its good. He does his hobbies while I do mine. We have a good companionship, but I would like to do more active things. He prefers the rest after years of hard work on a building site.We enjoy life for most of the time. Sometimes we have a small illness or maybe a big one and we help each other.We see our one son at least once a week. He keeps in touch. Our Grandson and his mum we see less often. They live in another county and we visit them now and then.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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