'Initially there were 77 entries in the Race, but only 60 managed to complete the course '
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'Initially there were 77 entries in the Race, but only 60 managed to complete the course '
Mike Mahon reflects on the participants of the Air race.
Mike Mahon
Trinity College Dublin
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Mike Mahon
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Initially there were 77 entries in the Race, but only 60 managed to complete the course. There were 3 classes: A, single piston - engined; B. unsupercharged twin piston - engined up to12,500 lbs and C supercharged or twin turboprop up to 12,500lbs AUW . The overall winner was an Islander, G - AXUD,, flown by Capts. W J Bright and F L Buxton in 80. 17 mins. Most of the entrants were Australian , British and American, but for a small country there were two other entries of Irish interest; Tim Phillips in a Twin Commanche, EI - AUN, and Capt Arthur Wignall of Aer Lingus in another Twin Commanche. Unfortunately Arthur was killed some years later giving an aerobatic display at Sligo Airport. I was encouraged to write this account of The Air Race having seen a similar article by our old Aussie rival John Colwell. I contacted him after all these years by email and was sorry to learn that his own co - pilot John Daley had been killed in an air accident shortly after the race.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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