'Next were the twins, Julia and Heather, in October next year. Totally unexpected. Even the doctor was surprised!'
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'Next were the twins, Julia and Heather, in October next year. Totally unexpected. Even the doctor was surprised!'
Peter remembers his family's move to Northern Ireland and their life there.
Peter Layton
Trinity College Dublin
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Peter Layton
Is Part Of
Marriage and Family
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Northern Ireland
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In 1956 we came to Northern Ireland where I took a job at the Spamount woollen mills,Spamount,Castlederg. This was a large mill,manufacturing all sorts of cloth,woollen,worsteds,and also a limited amount of travelling rugs. All the foremen's houses were occupied,so I got a council house in the village of Spamount. I started at Easter,but Linda and the girls did not follow until a little later. In August 1956 our 3rd daughter,Patricia was born. We bought a second hand car,a Rover m1920 model,and it served us well,never giving any trouble. We frequently went to the Donegal coast,which did not take very long,and the children loved the beach at Rossnowlagh. Gillian was born in September 1958. Next were the twins,Julia and Heather,in October next year. Totally unexpected. Even the doctor was surprised. In 1960 or 61 I got the chance of buying a house in Castlederg. A small house,end of terrace,with a large garden at the back and a very large shed. It was 4000 pounds,but with only 2 bedrooms a little on the small side. There would be a grant available for an extension- 50% of the cost,which would come to another οΎ£ 400. I sold the new car that I had bought,cashed in my life insurance,and made an offer. It was accepted. Now I had to see about getting a loan. I saw the bank manager,a Mr. Lyons. He was very helpful,just write a cheque for the amount needed. No Mortgage or paperwork'.those were the days. I bought the house,accepted the lowest offer from a builder,an extension was built consisting of a bathroom and kitchen downstairs,a large bedroom upstairs,running hot water heated from the range in the kitchen cum sitting room. There was also an outside toilet in the garage,a very useful addition for a large family. It was ready just before Christmas,and we moved on Christmas Eve. There was a vegetable plot,but the majority of the garden was made into a lawn,which was very useful for hockey practise. I now bought a little moped to commute to work. The children attended the local Methodist Church Sunday school. So life went on,the children went to the local primary school,and later the grammar school in Strabane,about ten miles away. They all did very well at both schools.
Irish Research Council for Arts,Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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