'Bowling knows no class or creed, it is a big happy family, and that family extends right across the world in the many countries where the game is played.
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'Bowling knows no class or creed, it is a big happy family, and that family extends right across the world in the many countries where the game is played.
Tom describes why he enjoyed bowling so much.
Tom Sutton
Trinity College Dublin
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Tom Sutton
Is Part Of
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Glengormley, Co. Antrim
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Despite living in Glengormley and having a very busy working week, I always looked forward to my Saturday afternoon game of bowls, played between April and September, representing the Carrickfergus Club which I joined in 1951. In those days, bowls were made of lignum - a very had wood. Many old timers like myself, believe it was even a more skillful game than today when composition bowls are used. However, the game itself most will agree, is the friendliest of all sports played. In a match each side has sixteen players - four rinks of four, 21 ends are played which takes around three hours to complete, after which the home side generally provide a sit down tea - each rink sitting with their opponents - a great opportunity to further friendships made on the green. Bowling knows no class or creed, it is a big happy family, and that family extends right across the world in the many countries where the game is played.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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