'I was mad into fashion and continue to be still.'
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'I was mad into fashion and continue to be still.'
Theresa Byrne describes her interest in fashion. In particular, she descibes her memory of searching for the pefect Christmas outfit.
Theresa Byrne
Trinity College Dublin
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Theresa Byrne
Is Part Of
Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Life Story
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More memories were saving up for your Christmas clothes. For weeks beforehand, you visited a variety of shops especially on a Saturday to view the style. One particular Christmas I bought a grey wool fitted coat in Maceys of Georges Street. It was just gorgeous. With it, I bought the most beautiful and delicate red very high heeled shoes with a neat diamond brooch to the front. The shoe shop was opposite the Chapel in Meath Street and stocked the most delicious footwear that would enhance any outfit. Read leather gloves, and an envelope red bag and red scarf. I absolutely loved it!I was mad into fashion and continue to be still. Empire line dresses were my favourite. Every Easter you put on the spring suit and in some cases you wore a hat to add to the occasion. In my younger days, I remember in particular a red check dress with short puffed sleeves and white bows. I had seen it in Cassidys window n Georges Street. I would then walk a few paces down the street and in that window was the most beautiful pair of black patent leather shoes with a strap that wound around our ankle. They never left my mind and I went on and on about them at home until they were bought for me. I loved that outfit and I think I was about twelve or thirteen years old at the time.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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