'It is only when one is faced with real life situations, that one realises that there is so much more to learn, and this is where the voice of experience is needed as a back- up.'
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'It is only when one is faced with real life situations, that one realises that there is so much more to learn, and this is where the voice of experience is needed as a back- up.'
Rosemary describes her teaching training in St Mary's college. In particular she recalls the lessons she learnt from her teaching experience and remembers the mentorship of particular teachers.
Rosemary McCloskey
Trinity College Dublin
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Rosemary McCloskey
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Work and Employment
Life Story
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Falls Road, Belfast
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My father purchased a bar called The Old House, in Albert Street the year I went to St Mary's.(1965) Because of his good nature and generosity he almost bankrupted himself and so he leased it out, before it was eventually knocked down in slum clearance.I started at St Mary's Training College, (as it was then known) Falls Road, Belfast, in September 1965. I studied education, with emphasis on infant education (Course C) for three years, and graduated from there in June 1968. The years spent in St Mary's were quite enjoyable years. I was sent out on teaching practice to local schools- St John's Collinward Street, St Matthew's, Short Strand and St Finian's on the Falls Road. There may have been more but I cannot recall them. I enjoyed teaching then.I got my first teaching post at the beginning of September 1968, in Convent of Mercy Primary School, which was located in the old Belfast High School buildings in Glenravel Street, while the new school at 614 Crumlin Road was being built. I had lovely happy times there. Another young graduate from St Mary's, Mary Kane, who was from the Ormeau Road but from the Markets originally, started with me. I had Primary Two and she had Primary One class. Mary had been a pupil of Sussex Place Convent Primary School and in those days past pupils would get first preference in jobs. Sr. Mary of Mercy, who had taught Mary and who was very interested in me, used to mentor us and put us in competition with each other as to who had the best displays etc. She really kept us on our toes and helped us to reach standards which we might never have reached, without her interest and concern for us. Sr. Mary Bernadette Agnew had another infant class in the school, and she also was very helpful with advice and suggestions in our early days. One tends to think that when one qualifies from a college that one knows everything. It is only when one is faced with real life situations, that one realises that there is so much more to learn, and this is where the voice of experience is needed as a back- up. We got our diplomas with no trouble, thanks to the advice of these experienced and committed ladies.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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