Archive (6 life histories found)
'It was quite humorous when one soldier reported scores he referred to traps, instead of rinks.'
In 1988, it was Ireland's turn to stage the international series and two greens were required to stage them. As very few clubs had two greens, we considered using two greens close by -Carrickfergus and Ulster Transport at Jordanstown. However,…
Tags: army, bowling, greens, internationals, mayor
'We could hear some explosions and gunfire from the direction of the town, so needed no persuasion to stay put'
As fate would have it I just happened to be on station at Christmas 1984 when the Nigerian Army decided to stage a military coup against their corrupt politicians. Two of us went out to Kano airport to operate the early morning flight to Lagos. As…
Tags: army, coup, explosions, Nigeria
Record of Service
Peter's Record of Service in the British Army 1943 - 1946.
Tags: army, army service, prisoner camp
In uniform
Peter pictured in army uniform with fellow soldiers in front of a tank.