'I am a complete convert to computing and have a major hobby in digital photography ever since being introduced to computers '
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'I am a complete convert to computing and have a major hobby in digital photography ever since being introduced to computers '
Harry Browne remembers returning to full time education later in his life.
Harry Browne
Trinity College Dublin
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Harry Browne
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In 1992 I started a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management at the Irish Management Institute. This course lasted for three years and I enjoyed the entire experience immensely, except for the examinations. It was about thirty six years since I last sat an exam and my handwriting is atrocious, to such an extent that an hour after I write something I cannot decipher it myself. Also the physical business of writing by hand was tiring and boring in the extreme. The course cost in excess of _'10,000.00 in total and I paid for it out of my share of my father's sister's estate. She was our aunt Alice and she died intestate in 1991. My brother Brian probated the will and shared the proceeds with all the surviving family members. My grandfather Maurice Browne was fairly well off but in his will he left everything to Alice, a decision which I have always thought to be strange. My Father was the only surviving son and the father of a family of six children at the time of Maurice's death, he was named as executor but received no share in the estate. All the proceeds were left to Maurice's unmarried daughter Alice. In the final analysis we received the total proceeds of the estate, so perhaps Alice meant it to be that way. Brian comments: 'about this I have often wondered, The Brownes held to the superstition that making a will was the sure way to precipitate death so who knows?'Part of the course was an introduction to computers. This was an eye - opener for me and started me on a journey which continues to this day. I am a complete convert to computing and have a major hobby in digital photography ever since being introduced to computers in the I.M.I. I am fond of saying that without computers my entire life would be inaccessible to me as all my data is now stored on an expansion drive attached to my computer. (There is evidence that the computer is replacing memory for a lot of people. The phenomenon is called Googalisation.)
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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