'At last I believed that my mission was about to begin.'
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'At last I believed that my mission was about to begin.'
Rosemary describes settling into life in Zimbabwe.
Rosemary McCloskey
Trinity College Dublin
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Rosemary McCloskey
Is Part Of
Work and Employment
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Harare, Zimbabwe
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The following April, I was asked to go to Gweru to collect the promised truck-a Nissan Hi-lux single cab. I was overjoyed. At last I believed that my mission was about to begin. Well I suppose it did in a way but it was not what I had envisaged. The truck was an absolute Godsend. I travelled around to various Franciscan missions in the vicariate, Marondera, Murambinda, Ganda Chibvuva, Chivhu, Mahusekwa, Waterfalls in Harare etc. and did little bits and pieces as I was asked. I often stayed with the McCanns or with the Presentation sisters in Borrowdale in Harare and in Nagle House in Marondera.The first thing I had to do was to go to Ranch House College in Harare and undertake a six week course in Shona. There were two young Kiltegan priests, Fr Martin Spillane and Fr John Kearns, who had just come out and they also were on the course, as was an American sister, Patti Startup. Sr Patti is the only one who is still in Zimbabwe at present.(August 2010). I believe she works with an NGO now.This was a good beginning and I got to know my way around, not only Harare but also most of Zimbabwe. What a joy to drive on those empty roads! The only disadvantage was that night fell around 6pm, and it was not advisable to travel on rural roads in the dark. I stayed wherever I was at that time and that was usually in Harare or Marondera. The sisters from the Little Company of Mary had a hospital in Murambinda and I was sure of a welcome and a bed there, too, if I was in that direction. There was great camaraderie amongst the Irish religious. We helped and supported one another.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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