'The others waded through that deep water and were home and dry quite some time before I managed to make it with the car.'
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'The others waded through that deep water and were home and dry quite some time before I managed to make it with the car.'
Rosemary remembers an incident driving home from a party one evening in St Benedict's Mission in Murambinda.
Rosemary McCloskey
Trinity College Dublin
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Rosemary McCloskey
Is Part Of
Work and Employment
Life Story
Spatial Coverage
Murambinda, Zimbabwe
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The 'Kiltegans' always celebrate St Patrick's Day. After all St Patrick is their patron. They sure know how to host a party. WE had one unforgettable party in St Benedict's Mission, which was well away from civilisation in a place near Headlands. I think we must have travelled almost eight miles on a dust road once we left the main Mutare road. It was a night to remember with music and dancing and craic the like of which we had not seen for a long time. The hospitality went on all night long and few went to bed at all. I know we laughed and 'craiced' all night and when morning came we had to pack up and head back to Nharira and bed, for we were exhausted after it all.There was another great night again St Patrick's Day celebration in Murambinda. We left it rather later than usual and the rain had started. When we got to the little bridge which was over a mean stream outside the gate of the mission, it had become a torrent and so deep that we could not drive in. I took the car around a long back way Madondo, which at that time had not been more than a track with rocks, bumps and potholes all over the place. The others waded through that deep water and were home and dry quite some time before I managed to make it with the car. It is interesting to note that this track has now been upgraded to a tarred road, since President Robert Mugabe's second wife, Grace's, homestead is at the end of it.It is wonderful what friends in high places can achieve!
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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