'I realised that this boy was clever, and that he needed an education in order to break out of the poverty trap.'
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'I realised that this boy was clever, and that he needed an education in order to break out of the poverty trap.'
Rosemary remembers some of her students in Zimbabwe. In particular she describes meeting Romuald who she became very close to as she took him under her wing.
Rosemary McCloskey
Trinity College Dublin
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Rosemary McCloskey
Is Part Of
Work and Employment
Life Story
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Harare, Zimbabwe
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While teaching the postulants in Nharira Mission, I became very friendly with them, particularly Simon Mutsenhure. Looking back I can see why I was in Zimbabwe, as part of God's plan. Simon entered the Franciscans and got as far as the novitiate with two others from Mvuma. These were caught helping themselves to little luxuries on the food bill when in Marondera, and so there was an investigation the upshot of which was that they were dismissed. It was decided then that Simon would be better off to go to the diocesan seminary in Harare to follow his studies for the priest hood. He transferred to St Martin's in Avondale first and later on Chishawasha Seminary. WE maintained the friendship all that time and I used to go and see him when I was in Harare. It was Simon who introduced me to his friend Romuald Revayi who was to become someone very close to me. Romuald was struggling to pass 'O' level English language and had no one to help him. At that time he was working in Jaggers' Cash and Carry Warehouse, Ardbennie, Harare, stacking shelves. I realised that this boy was clever, and that he needed an education in order to break out of the poverty trap. Sr. Margaret was teaching the 'O' level English course in Assisi High School at Nharira Mission and so she was able to help me with his English home-works and give me appropriate assignments for him. She would mark his work every week and set him more and I would meet with him after work and help him along. He passed his exam with flying colours, thanks be to God.
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS)
Research Coordinator/P.I.
Dr Kathleen McTiernan (Trinity College Dublin)
Senior Research Associate
Dr Deirdre O'Donnell (Trinity College Dublin)
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